Becoming an OMYBS Sponsor
Don't miss out on your chance to become a
sponsor for the 2023 Spring and Fall Seasons. We have exciting new
opportunities for everyone to contribute.
Did You know?
OMYBS is an all volunteer recreational program and is not funded by any
municipality. OMYBS uses all of the proceeds from registration and sponsors to maintain the facilities, pay umpires, provide
uniforms and equipment, and to pay on notes incurred from building and
renovating fields. As the Park grows it becomes more and more necessary to contract services, which add up.
- OMYBS has approximately 1500 participants play Baseball or Softball per year.
Add in Parents, grandparents, and siblings and that is well over 5000 members of
the nearby communities visiting our fields and getting involved.
- OMYBS Hosts 1200 + games at 11 fields during a calendar year .
- OMYBS will never turn away a player who wishes to participate because of
financial need. Scholarships are provided as the result of the generous
support of our sponsors
- OMYBS spends $55,000 dollars a year on grass cutting alone, $ 14,000 on baseballs
and softballs , and $44,000 on umpires. The Board has an annual meeting each year that anyone can attend and review the financials.
By Becoming a Sponsor:
- You are helping us provide the best youth sports experience for the kids
in our community.
- You are getting valuable exposure for your business or oganization in front of
thousands of active residents of North Shelby county and surrounding
Available Packages:
Sponsorship Packages
For information about our Sponsorship opportunities please send us an email at
[email protected]